It's been hard for me recently. Lot of things to take care, lot of problems to solve--mostly regarding the coming baby. It's a time to test how far you would go, and how much you would sacrifice for a new life.
When I'm so preoccupied by things about a new life, Death also showed its presence. I got a call from Gu telling me that Wang Yiqin, an elder sister and old friend of us, died from cancer last week. She had suffered from cancer since she was eight or nine years old. With good medical care and her strong will, she survived many many times, got married, and had a son. When I saw her in NTU Hospital last month, I could hardly recognize her because this time the disease had completely changed her face. She could not hear my voice, could barely see, and was unable to talk. I wish she can finally rest in peace now.
A few minutes ago I saw
an article of another young lady who just went through a tough treatment this New Year's Holidays and is still fighting cancer. Most Chinese refuse to look at the fact that we are all going to die, but Death is always on the corner--no matter how young you are.