January 25, 2007

Happy Birthday

January 24th, my birthday. Whatever happened at work, a good meal at home is perfect enough for me. Allie brought home a luxurious banquest set of sushi on her way home, along with two cute small cakes. Happy birthday to me.

January 19, 2007

Face to Face

Today we saw the face of our baby for the first time. Suggested by the doctor, we had a high-definition ultrasonic scan to check his face and some internal organs. As the doctor moved the scanner, an obscure shape unveiled on screen and eventually showing the shape pf a human face. Unlike earlier ultrasonic scans which only showed shapes of the entire head or body, this more advanced machine made by GE rendered a 3D image of selected area. Even untrained eyes can clearly recognize the image as a human being. It's hard to describe the feeling when I first saw it. It's like finally meeting someone face to face whom you've known for a long time. This picture immediately reminds me of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

January 16, 2007

Linked to Prague, Czech

Accidentally found a blog of Fuxoft collecting some photos he found on Flickr that he thought worth seeing. I found this because one of my photos I shot in Korea was collected. Fuxoft is quite famous in several fields in Czech, according to his basic info page. He also seems to be humorous judging from his articles.

It's interesting to find that someone from a different continent, different culture, different age was connected to me via a photo. I guess that's the pleasure living in the cyber age. The page I mentioned can be found here.

January 15, 2007

Week 19

The 19th week. Two days later the baby is 140 years old, hald-way if his journey to this world. The aminocentesis taken two weeks ago found nothing abnormal, which was a great relief for the time being. In today's ultrasonic scan, the baby refused to show his face by posing a boxer's defensive gesture. Since the fetal face was not seen, the doctor suggested that we do a level 2 ultrasonic scan to identify more clearly if there is anything unusual. That is going to cost NT$2500. And yes, I said "his" face because the test result from aminocentesis revelaed its gender as male, so as in the attached ultrasonic scan. I just can't tell which part is so-called his "hard evidence".

By the way, it's choosing to be male costed me another NT$2000 loss.

January 9, 2007


Great store at PC Home for girls. Visit DazzlePlaza now!

Hello! Johnny

Met Johnny unexpectedly last Saturday at the PageOne in SOGO BR4. Hello and goodbye.

January 1, 2007

Happy New Year

The year 2006 passed. On the last day of year 2006, we had a fat dinner and enjoyed the glamorous firework display of Taipei 101 from my VIP seats. Happy new year to all.

Oh, by the way, my new tripod was okay but I think what I need is a good camera.