August 8, 2007

Father's Day

It's my first and my father's 24th Father's Day. There was nothing in particular for me, but my father might be having his worst one ever. He's been having unknown fever for one week, and went to a nearby clinic twice. The diagnosis was common cold, and his blood test for Dengue Fever came out negative. Yesterday he got a call from the health authority that he's got Dengue Fever. Luckily he seems to be getting better already.

As for my sister Monica, it was not a day she would've expected, either. She ordered a pizza delivered to my father to celebrate the day. My father, however, doesn't like pizza at all and perhaps in a bad mood with the fever, gave the pizza to some neighbor and called Monica never to do it again. Happy Father's Day to you, too.


Monica said...

I should give the pizza "package" (I choosed from my HEART) to homeless dogs instead of a crazy one.

Richard said...

You can give it to me. :D