December 18, 2006

Week 15+

Today we had another preridical exam and paid for an extra ultrasonic scan of the baby which is not covered by the health insurance. This week it looks more like a baby, with obvious head and limbs. The spine and femurs were also clearly visible on the monitor. Since it is too big to be seen on one screen, there was no measure of its total length but with separate parts. the widest part of its head was 3.4 cm, which equals 16 weeks. However, its femur length was only 1.5 cm as a 14-week-old fetus should have. Does that mean the baby is going to have a big head and short legs?

Besides looking at the baby, the ultrasonic scan also exams the quatity of amniotic fluid. Next Wednesday we're going to have an Amniocentesis. The law requires the doctors must strongly suggest expecting mothers over 35 years old to do this test. The doctor said that it's very simple and painless, but I'm still not quite comfortable about it. Maybe I'm just worrying what to do if the test result shows something wrong.

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